As we are a registered Charity, we have a legal obligation to have a Committee. Whilst one Leader from each Section has to become a member of the Committee, it is also vital that we have parents/other adults on the Committee. We have to have an Executive Committee of a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer, all of whom can not be Appointed Leaders. In addition we also need a vice Chairperson, and parent representatives from each of the Sections. Thankfully the Group does not have to do a great deal of fund raising and therefore the Committee do not have to do a great deal apart from voicing their opinions and agree to any expenditure the group may wish to make.
However, it is still very difficult for us to find parent volunteers to fill all of these positions. We only meet once every half term along with our Annual General Meeting each year and therefore is not a huge commitment to anyone. Please, please speak to one of the Section Leaders if you are able to assist the Group in this small way.