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All the hard work, time and effort put in by all leaders, is voluntary and totally unpaid.  Many of us carry out our work for 2nd Cheshunt in addition to being employed, being a parent, running a home, as well as other commitments such as being on school committees.  At 2nd Cheshunt we are currently in a very good position for leaders, however, as we are all volunteers, none of us are held under contract, so this position could easily change overnight.  No leader has to give notice of resignation, though generally, where possible, most leaders tend to try and give at least one whole terms notice.


I am the Group Scout Leader, which means I am responsible for the whole of 2nd Cheshunt, including its Leaders.  Then we have a leader for each Section, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, along with assistant leaders for each Section.  Ideally whenever anyone has a query about anything relating to a particular Section, then this should be done through the individual leaders of that Section.  If however, they are not able to help you with your query, then please feel free to come through to me.


As leaders, we not only give up our time to run our Sections, each Leader also has to complete a programme of training which is completed in a number of ways including organising/running events/activities for their own Sections, attending courses or completing various modules delivered electronically.  Fortunately a lot of this training can be completed due to the work we conduct with our paid employers.


In addition to leaders, we are lucky to have several Young Leaders.  These are young people aged from 14 to 18, who assist the Leaders in the planning and delivery of the Section programmes.  Like the adults, they too have to undergo training, which they attend one evening a month, along with other Young Leaders in the District.

Although we may seem to have plenty of Leaders/Young Leaders there are still times when we require the help from parents and the Section Leaders will make it known as and when additional help may be required.  However, help from a parent on a regular basis is always welcomed and if you feel you have the time to commit to this, please let one of our Section Leaders know – as they say, many hands make light work.  The more Leaders/helpers we have on board, then the easier it is for all of our volunteers.


Please note that before any adult (leader, parents or helper) can work with any of our members, as with working anywhere with children, they must complete and submit a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check for the Scout Association, even if you already hold a valid DBS elsewhere.  Please contact me if you wish to apply for a DBS for 2nd Cheshunt.


Andy Pereira,
Group Scout Leader
2nd Cheshunt Scout Group
Registered Charity number 302525

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