Due to the successful fundraising and gift aid for the past few years the structure of our subscriptions (known as Subs) at 2nd Cheshunt remain unchanged which is £30 for the Spring term, due in January, increasing by £10 if not paid by the end of January. This amount also applies to the third or more siblings, who already gets a discount for the other two terms. Then it’s £30 for each of the Summer and Autumn terms, due within the first month of the term for every Beaver, Cub or Scout. For those who are the third or more sibling in the Group, their subs will be just £10 for the Summer and Autumn terms.
These subs are to pay for things like insurance for all members and Scout Association’s costs, 2nd Cheshunt’s utility bills, the general running costs of Burgess Hall and our weekly programme for the children. None of the money paid through the subs or raised at fund raising events are paid to leaders/helpers, who all give up a tremendous amount of their time, planning, preparing and delivering the weekly programmes as volunteers.
Whenever a payment is due, be it for a camp, an activity or Subs, we prefer payments to be made by Direct Payment as this is easily traceable and easier for our volunteers. For Direct Payments, the account name is “2nd Cheshunt Scout Group”, sorting code is 40-52-40 and account number is 00020880. As with all direct payments, please ensure you quote the correct reference. On this occasion the reference is either Bea or Cub or Sco (depending on what section your child attends) Subs followed by as much of your child’s FIRST name that you can fit in - surname not required as it’s coming direct from your bank account who will quote your name.
If you are unable to pay this way, then our second preference is by cheque payable to “2nd Cheshunt Scout Group”, marking the reverse of your cheque with your child’s name, what the payment is for (such as subs or specific activity) and what section it relates to (Beavers, Cubs or Scouts). Please note not all cheques are banked immediately, so you have to ensure you keep funds available for when it is processed or if it’s returned by the bank, you will be faced with the charges the Bank makes to the Group.
We hate dealing with cash, even the small amounts, as this is where errors and disputes can occur, as it is not traceable. It will be down to the individual Leader to decide if they are happy to take the cash payment or not, but you must place the correct money in a sealed envelope stating on the front your child’s name, what the payment is for (such as subs or specific activity).
Gift Aid is the easiest way in which you can help the group with it’s fund raising. Whenever Subs are due, if you ask the UK tax payer in your household to pay the subs on your behalf, and providing they have completed and returned a Gift Aid form to us, then we as a group can get an extra 28p for every pound that you pay for subs, by claiming back the income tax back from the Government – that’s £28 per person across the year, and without costing you an extra penny. Please click on the above Icon to download a gift aid form.
As well as our weekly meetings, the Section Leaders often organise other activities, such as camps, trips or an opportunity to participate in a particular activity such as Archery/Ice Skating, to name but a few. Unfortunately, subs do not cover the extra expense incurred by these activities, so from time to time, a charge will be made in order that a member of the group can participate in that activity. Just as in the case of the subs, could you please try and pay for these additional activities as soon as possible, preferably by direct payment or failing that then by cheque rather than cash, always quoting the reference requested.
Please note that in the case of subs having not been paid, then that individual will not be allowed to participate in any of the additional activities/events, until subs have been paid, except where an agreement has been made between the parent and the Section Leader.