District Scout Shop
District Scout Shop - best priced place for uniforms and many other items
Our District Scout Shop is open most Monday's during term time from 5pm till 7pm, in Burgess Hall, Goffs Lane - please support the Group by using the District shop.
When purchasing uniforms, and other Scouting items we highly recommend you use the District Scout Shop which operates from our HQ. Not only are they cheaper than the High Street shops, they also make a small donation to our Group for every purchase you make. All prices are exactly the same as the Association's Scout Shop, but you won't have to pay for postage, plus your child can try the items on for size before buying. If you order from online, then we as a Group do not get any benefit, unlike when you buy at from our District Scout Shop.
Here is a link to the Association's Scout Shop for you to view and decide what you want to buy and price, then simply take a note of it and then visit our District Scout Shop one Monday afternoon/evening to make the actual purchase, which in turn will be supporting your child's Group at no extra cost to you. If the District Shop does not hold a stock of your required item, then they will simply order it for you at no extra cost for you to collect from them on another Monday.
Please note, as with all the leaders in 2nd Cheshunt, those working in the District Scout Shop are all volunteers. Also, due to the low turnover of the District Shop, they do not have a card processing machine and therefore payments for all items has to be made either by cheque or in cash at point of sale or order.
Finally, please note, the Group Polo shirts can only be purchased through 2nd Cheshunt and not any of the Scout Shops. You can click on the Icon to apply for a Group Polo shirt or simply speak to your child's Section Leader. As with all payment to 2nd Cheshunt, we prefer you to pay either by Direct Payment (reference Polo followed by your child's first name) or by cheque payable to 2nd Cheshunt Scout Group. Group Scarves are also purchased through your child's Section Leader and cost £5 each. Direct Payment reference for them is Scarf followed by your child's first name.